sexta-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2005

Jack Johnson - If I Could...

A brand new baby was born yesterday
just in time
papa cried, baby cried
said your tears are like mine

I heard some words from a friend on the phone
that didn't sound so good
The doctor gave him two weeks to live
I'd give him more
if I could...

You know that I would now
If only I could
You know that I would now
If only I could...

Down the middle drops one more
grain of sand
They say that new life makes losing life easier
to understand

Words are kind they helped ease the mind of this, my old friend
And though you gotta go we'll keep a piece of your soul
What goes out
What comes in

You know that I would now
If only I could
You know that I would now
If only I could...

Esta música é para o Malik, para a bebé Fátima e vem no seguimento do post da Raiz no seu blog !

1 comentário:

  1. a música é linda... como (quase) todas as dele... mas a mim uma dessas situações não me teria "helped ease the mind"... ía ficar ainda mais confusa e talvez revoltada... sentir que os Deuses cobram caro...
